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Sunday School
Community Outreach
Get Involved @ Frazier

Sunday School @ Frazier

Our Sunday School classes start at 10:15 a.m. and are for all ages and stages of life.


We've organized and planned classes for children starting at age 2, going through to our adults. If you're looking to get connected with a particular Sunday school class, simply contact the church to get connected with a class.

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Sunday School provides consistent biblical teaching from compassionate, loving adults.

Student & Children's Sunday School classes will rally in the Family Life Center gym at 10:15 a.m. and head to their classrooms.


Parents can pick up their children in their Family Life Center gym at 11 a.m. 

For our adults, we have 6 classes designed to know God through His Word, grow in your walk with Christ through the fellowship of the Word, and disciple or be discipled with one another in love. 


The nursery ministry involves providing child care during worship services for children up to the age of three.  Interested persons from fourth grade through adults can volunteer to care for the children. We strive to have one worker for every two children. 

Interested volunteers can contact Kathy Rhoad or Susan Ritchheart in the church office.


Adults must pass a background check to serve. Payment for background check is provided by the church.


Frazier Sundays & Programs for Children



Weekly, we have Children’s Church during the Sunday Service, which is split into Ages 3 years through pre-school, and Kindergarten through second grade.


When released from the service, ages 3 -preschool meet outside the back middle door and follow worker to children’s church room (south side of building).

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Our Sunday School classes are for all ages and stages of life. Classes for children start at age 2 and go through high school.

Sunday School provides consistent biblical teaching from compassionate, loving adults. 

Student and Children's Sunday school classes will rally in the Family Life Center gym @ 10:15 a.m. and head to their classrooms.


Parents can pick up their children in the Family Life Center gym at 11 a.m. 

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We meet by the nursery check-in when church releases and walk up to the old sanctuary, children sit in the pews.


There's a time of fellowship, prayer time (either teacher or child-led) teacher reads bible story (from a story type bible). Then we watch the bible story on Right Now Media, then do coloring or craft activity.


The teacher leads children to the north side of the family life center and waits for parents to pick up their child.



Vacation Bible School at Frazier has been an ongoing summer ministry to kids for over 75 years!


VBS is a week-long summer kids ministry filled with activities, songs, and scripture to help introduce and develop students in their faith. We typically have VBS the last week of June from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., and typically use the LifeWay curriculum.

​Frazier Kids meets on Wednesday nights throughout the fall and spring from 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m., where students are separated into grades to study scripture, play games, and eat snacks.

Involved @ Frazier

Below are additional church, community, and world outreach programs we organize at Frazier. We love our communities; and we're involved by being active in many ways throughout the year.


Below are some of the many ways you, too, can be involved at Frazier:

Food Kitchen

For over 30 years, Frazier has helped provide and serve the meal at the Valley Community Food Kitchen at 909 W. Valley St. in St. Joseph, MO.


Frazier serves the food kitchen on the 31st of every month unless it falls on a weekend. Please contact Susan Ritchheart, or watch out for the signup sheet if you would like to be more involved. 

Backpack Ministry

Yearly, before the school year starts, the ministry team organizes and purchases supplies for our backpack ministry for the upcoming school year.


Over the past several years, this ministry has provided backpacks full of supplies to hundreds of students. If you would like to be involved with this ministry team Contact the church.

Missouri Baptist Children’s

Visit their homepage

“For more than 130 years, Missouri Baptist Children’s Home (MBCH) has shown God’s love to hurting children, youth and families. Originally founded as an orphanage, MBCH has grown into a multi-faceted agency providing therapeutic group homes, family foster care, treatment family care, pregnancy services, transitional living programs, family resource development, human trafficking rescue and group homes for adults with developmental disabilities. MBCH is constantly assessing the needs of children, youth and families in Missouri and working to design responses to those needs. Regardless of the growth and changes in ministries, MBCH strives to provide the best professional care within the context of an unapologetically Christian environment.”

Food Pantry

For over 20 years Frazier has collected non-perishable food items and hygiene items for the Patee Park food pantry at 1107 S. 10th Street, St. Joseph, MO.


If you are interested in providing items they can be placed in the foyer of the sanctuary. If you are interested in being more involved Contact Frazier.

Bible Study at Convalescent Center, Gower

Frazier and First Baptist Gower lead a Bible study at the Convalescent Center every Monday morning.


If you would like more information or become involved, Contact the church.

Baptist Homes & Healthcare

Visit their Ministries page

Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries is a distinctively Christian ministry called to JOYFULLY SERVE in a CHRISTLIKE manner by EDUCATING, ADVOCATING, and CARING for the aging for the GLORY of GOD.

Pregnancy Resource Clinic

Frazier has been involved with the St. Joseph Pregnancy Resource Clinic for several years.


Some of the ways you can help are to donate maternity or baby related items, financially support, volunteer at different events, and pray. Contact the church if you're interested in becoming more involved or go to for more info.

Basketball Sunday Nights

For over 20 years, high school-adults have played basketball at the church building on Sunday nights from roughly 7:00PM-10PM.

If you're interested in joining the men for basketball, contact Ryan Harper.

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13601 SE State Route E

Agency, MO 64401

Open Hours: 

Mon - Thurs 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Sunday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

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